
Showing posts from November, 2020


 HERE IS MY FINAL. I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED THIS COMPILATION OF ALL MY PROJECTS FROM THIS SEMESTER. This gave me the creativity to express myself in a way to showcase my work. I chose a light yellow background for the booklet keeping the consistent throughout, because this is my favorite color. I chose the pink and blue as accent colors because I feel as though they accent each other well. I added the colored swirls to each page to have a decorative piece and did the colored stroke outlining the text opposite color the swirls. I also tried alternating the sides the pictures where on each page to switch it up and not have each page looking exactly the same. I am happy with how this turned out and glad to have taken this class. This has brought out my creative side and I am grateful for that. 

Business Cards

 For this assignment we have been instructed to create three different business card designs each will end up utilizing the three different color logos I have created in the past. These are the sketches I have created for each business card. These cards were inspired by my logo I created a couple weeks ago. My logo was created out of mountains, trees, clouds, and a sun. This logo was basically an outdoor mountain setting. Since we had to incorporate our logos into our business cards, I made my business a backpacking the mountains business. Basically the business would be for people to sign up for a backpacking trip and then we would do the work for them, so they don't have to figure out any of the details of the trip. I wanted to make the business cards something attractive to the eye, my favorite of the rough drafts would have to be the last one, where the mountains are across the bottom of the card.  I have now created the final business cards! I think when I created these I did


 Somewhere, which is essentially anywhere, and anywhere in this case is apart of Gilmore Girls. The assignment was to take ourselves and put ourselves someplace we have never been, a suggestion was a movie scene or clip. For me I chose one of my favorite television shows Gilmore Girls. I took one of the covers for the show and simply added myself along. I believe I did a good job at blending myself into the image and making it look as though I was an original character in this show. The only part I think I could've improved upon is the difference in skin color seen. The original characters have a paler tone in this image, something that I tried to match for myself but couldn't quite get it to match. I think it was fun to insert myself into a promo for a show I like, it's as close as I'll ever get to actually being in the show myself. For this project I added my tag brush at the end of the title, to resemble a copyright symbol.  Here are the original images:

pre-somewhere inspo

 For the upcoming Somewhere assignment we were instructed to view a couple things for inspiration.  After viewing I was asked to chose one image that would be hard to photoshop myself into. This is the image I chose: I believe that this photo would be hard to photoshop myself into because it is so intricate. If you look at the placement of Kirby in this picture he is in between two others, holding items and being leaned on my Kendall Jenner. With so much going on around him and being so involved in the photograph that would be a challenge to put myself into.  After viewing I was asked to find an image that inspired me or gave me an idea for the somewhere project. This is the image I chose: By Rob inputting himself into an image from the Simpsons gave me the idea to put myself into a TV show that I like. Taking a still image and inputting yourself into the scene of a show is a cool way to show you like it


 This project was super cool, I really liked it! Below is my final construction. Below is my original image. Here is my images used for final composition. For this project I was instructed to create an image in an environment where I have never been. For me someplace I love, someplace I admire, and someplace I would love to go is space, specifically the moon. So for this PhotoShop project I have inputed myself into the galaxy. Since this for me to achieve is near impossible, I put myself on a trampoline, to say that I jumped into space. I thought this would be a cool way to portray me being someplace I have never been before. I added to this image the moon, located in space, and it being the place I would love to go the most I found it fitting. I also added the milky way in behind be at a lower opacity because that is where we all live, that is our universe and our galaxy. Lastly I put a UFO, something that is believed to be seen and believed to exist. I personally believe that there h