pre-somewhere inspo
For the upcoming Somewhere assignment we were instructed to view a couple things for inspiration.
After viewing I was asked to chose one image that would be hard to photoshop myself into. This is the image I chose:
I believe that this photo would be hard to photoshop myself into because it is so intricate. If you look at the placement of Kirby in this picture he is in between two others, holding items and being leaned on my Kendall Jenner. With so much going on around him and being so involved in the photograph that would be a challenge to put myself into.
After viewing I was asked to find an image that inspired me or gave me an idea for the somewhere project. This is the image I chose:
By Rob inputting himself into an image from the Simpsons gave me the idea to put myself into a TV show that I like. Taking a still image and inputting yourself into the scene of a show is a cool way to show you like it or find it funny.
After viewing I was asked to find a set of images that made me laugh. This is what I chose:
I think that this image was funny because the photo was pretty normal before, the kids shorts weren't even that bad. Then he sends it to James and now they all look like freaks. Especially the kid on the right in the super short shorts, that's just not the look.
After viewing I was asked which illusion I might want to recreate. I chose:
I think that this could be a cool picture to recreate because of the simplicity of the shot being taken. She is simply standing against a white wall and then all the cool effects come with the editing. This is something that turned out cool I think because of the multitude of colorful shadows.
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