Business Cards

 For this assignment we have been instructed to create three different business card designs each will end up utilizing the three different color logos I have created in the past.

These are the sketches I have created for each business card.

These cards were inspired by my logo I created a couple weeks ago. My logo was created out of mountains, trees, clouds, and a sun. This logo was basically an outdoor mountain setting. Since we had to incorporate our logos into our business cards, I made my business a backpacking the mountains business. Basically the business would be for people to sign up for a backpacking trip and then we would do the work for them, so they don't have to figure out any of the details of the trip. I wanted to make the business cards something attractive to the eye, my favorite of the rough drafts would have to be the last one, where the mountains are across the bottom of the card. 

I have now created the final business cards!

I think when I created these I did a good job of transforming the rough drafts into final business cards. The only big changes I made were the words on the cards. I switched from doing a company name, to my own name, therefore changing the website and email as well. For each card I tried to match one of the colors in the logo to the background color on the card. I really like the first card and the last cards the best. I feel like I'm not the biggest fan of the middle one just because I never have really enjoyed the colors of that logo so then the background color I don't like. I like the first one because it is natural colors but made different with the slant on the front. I like the last one because I made the mountains on the front which was different and fun. All together I enjoyed making my business cards!


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