Internet vs. World Wide Web

The internet is composed of electronic devices that can connect to the internet in order to surf the web ( In other words the internet is the connection one makes to a network in order to have service to be able to get access to all the information provided by websites. Robert Khan and Vinton Cerf created a model that allowed data to be transmitted between multiple networks in 1970 ( internet). It was created to have founded an easier way for the transmission between computers than the early inventions which weren’t the best. Back in the 80s the internet was a means to send files and data between computers mostly seen being done by scientists ( /invention-of-the-internet). Today people use the internet for a lot of different ways. One of the most popular uses of the internet is social media apps like snapchat or ride share apps such as uber. Another top use is email whether it be personal usage or for work, it is a means of communication for people all across the world. It allows a direct conversation within seconds to people near or far and everything in between with the click of a button. The internet has easily become an essential to daily life in this society. 


The world wide web most commonly seen as www. is the collection of websites one can access when connected to the internet. A website is composed of related topics and supporting graphics that often have multiple pages of resources ( The world wide web took its form in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee ( invented-the-internet). This creation helped to bring awareness and popularity to the internet creating what we now have and use everyday today. In the early stages the web was founded to be a good use for commercial uses, companies now had their own websites and websites were made to sell goods to customers ( Today the web is used a lot for social media purposes like websites such as facebook or instagram, where people can stay connected.

The internet and the world wide web are different from each other but work together to achieve a similar goal. They are different in just the concept of what each of them are. The internet being the connection or network one has on their computer, phone, etc. The web is the sites that one is able to surf on portals like safari or chrome these could include or The web is the information you are able to receive from the websites you can access because of the connection you get using the internet. These two work closely together and that is why they often assumed to be the same thing or mistaken for each other. The internet is the network connection on your computer to have service. The world wide web is all the websites one can access on the browser. They work together because in order to reach the websites on the web one will need to have an internet connection. 

The first website was created in 1991 by the creator of the world wide web Tim Berners-Lee (https://www. The website he created was essentially an explanation of what the web was and how to use it correctly ( worlds-first-web-site). The website is still up! It’s! 


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