This project was very time consuming for me. Below you will find my original photo, b&w conversion, and three color versions I have created.

For this project I chose a simple selfie, but one that had some accent accessories in it that I knew would make for a better edit and bring interest to the piece. For the first colored image I chose to do monochromatic with the reds. I made this choice because with the Minnie Mouse ears, the bow being red, I thought it was a simple choice to make that actually made sense for the original image. The second colored photo I started with my favorite color pastel yellow and from there chose the best color scheme which in my opinion was split complementary. For the last image I did a double complementary scheme which had many different colors in it which I liked them all together. Choosing each different scheme was fun and made the project more interesting, I like using the adobe color swatches better than just choosing random colors on photoshop because this way the colors actually look good together. I ended up really enjoying this project, however it took me a very long time to complete. Creating the first image was a learning curve, I did watch the tutorial along side making it but I still found my own issues I had to problem solve. This project overall was lots of fun and I would do it again!


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