Illustrator Tutorials

 I have taken the time to watch a couple illustrator tutorials on tools for beginners and here are my favorites!

The first video I have watched is about learning the basics of working with the 'pen tool' and how one might use it. The pen tool is basically how you would  create all your shapes in Illustrator. I think this tool can be easily used. Once you play around with it a little and get used to it I think it will be easy to understand and master. This tool is basically creating lines and curves then connecting them to complete shapes. The thing I found interesting about the video is that you are able to insert images to practice tracing over them to improve your skills then keep the outline and delete the imported image. 

The second video I have chosen to watch is an introduction to the magic wand tool. This feature is used to select parts of the image or sketch that are of the same. You can select parts of the image by fill color, stroke color, stroke weight, opacity, and blending mode. Then you can further filter what is selected by altering the tolerance of the settings. You may use this tool to select many things at once to make changes to them all. I think this video was interesting because there are so many settings about parts of the image that I didn't realize were there and that you can edit because of them. I think this tool may be hard to get the hang of at first, but then it will be easy to use once I figure it out. 

The third tutorial I have selected to watch is about the lasso tool in Illustrator. This tool is cool because it is a freehand selection tool. Meaning that you click and drag your mouse creating a line/circle around the part or whole image that you want to select and when you close the circle it selects it for you. By holding down the shift key you can also add to your selection and holding down the command/alt key you can remove items from your selection. Another cool feature is that you are able to select one anchor point in order to manipulate the shape on your palate! I think this tool will be useful when trying to change the same thing over multiple shapes. I like this video because it is very informative and makes the tool sound super simple to use. 


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